If I Change My Squarespace Template, Can I Go Back?

If I Change My Squarespace Template, Can I Go Back?

There are going to be times when you will want to change your Squarespace template and see if that makes a difference to your website’s performance. However, not every change you make will have a positive impact on the website’s success. If you’ve set a new template and you’re seeing a reduction in the number of new visitors, conversions, revenue, or something else, then you might decide to change back to the old template.

Is this possible?

Can you Revert Back?

You’re always able to revert to a previously used template from your live template within Squarespace. This can be done from the ‘Templates’ panel within your dashboard. When you make the switch to the previously used template, you will see that there are design changes to your website and the site styles will also change.

This is a quick process and you can enable the change to happen within minutes. However, there are always a few things to consider.

Changing Page Allocation

Remember that when you make the switch, ensure that you move all pages back to where they should be within the site’s structure. Sometimes people make the switch and their pages disappear. The reason is often that the pages have not been assigned a spot on the website’s navigational area.

Custom CSS

If you’ve added any custom CSS to your new template, then this will be lost when you revert to the old template. Therefore, you will need to add this custom CSS again for your website to have this function on your old template.

However, if you had custom CSS on the old template, this will be reinstated as the custom CSS is attached to the template, not the website.


Likewise, all the customizations that you’ve used for your website’s header and footers will be lost when you revert to the old template. If you made changes to the old template’s header and footers, this will reappear.

You can always make changes to the header and footers.

Reverting to a Previous Template in Squarespace

Understanding Template Switching Dynamics

Squarespace's platform is designed with user experience in mind, offering a selection of templates that cater to diverse aesthetic and functional needs.

When a user decides to change their template, Squarespace stores the previous design settings for a limited period. This means that if the new template does not meet the user's expectations or needs, there is an opportunity to switch back.

However, it's important to note that the ability to revert to the original template with all settings intact is not indefinite.

Squarespace offers a grace period during which the old template's configurations are saved. Beyond this period, or if certain actions are taken that solidify the transition to a new template, reverting back may result in the loss of some customizations.

Steps to Revert to a Previous Template

Access the Design Panel

Navigate to the Design section of your Squarespace dashboard, where you'll find the template management options.

Review Your Template Inventory

Here, you'll see your current template alongside previously installed templates, including the one you wish to revert to.

Initiate the Switch Back

Select the original template and confirm your decision to switch. Squarespace will then restore your site to its previous state, depending on the duration of the switch and the actions taken since.

If I Change My Squarespace Template, Can I Go Back - a website owner contemplating whether to revert to a previous template in Squarespace.

Understanding Template Changes in Squarespace

When it comes to refining your website's design or functionality on Squarespace, changing your template can seem like a significant step. It offers the opportunity to experiment with new aesthetics, enhance user experience, or better align your site with your brand's evolving identity.

However, the decision to switch templates—and potentially revert to an original choice—carries considerations that are vital for maintaining your site's integrity and performance.

The Process of Switching Templates

Squarespace stands out for its user-friendly design, providing users with the flexibility to switch templates as they see fit. This feature encourages experimentation and allows users to explore various designs until they find the one that perfectly captures their vision for the website.

Reverting to a Previous Template: What to Know

Deciding to revert to a previous Squarespace template is a decision that may arise for several reasons, whether due to performance issues with the new template, a preference for the old template's design elements, or specific feature requirements. Squarespace allows for such reversions, but there are several key points to consider:

Content and Design Integration

Upon reverting, it's essential to reassess and possibly adjust your content to ensure it fits well with the old template's design and functionality. This might involve manual tweaking to achieve the desired alignment and presentation.

Features and Customization Loss

Each Squarespace template offers unique features and customization options. If the new template provided certain functionalities that the old one does not support, you might lose these upon reverting. It's important to evaluate which features are crucial for your site and consider them in your decision to switch back.

Manual Adjustments May Be Necessary

Switching back to a previous template does not automatically restore every aspect of your site's previous state.

Manual reconfiguration of elements such as page assignments, navigation, and site-wide customizations (including headers, footers, and custom CSS) will likely be required to ensure the site functions as expected.

Approaching Template Changes Strategically

While Squarespace's design flexibility includes the ability to revert to a previous template, approaching this process strategically can mitigate potential disruptions. Keeping detailed records of changes, backing up custom codes, and planning for the reapplication of essential customizations can facilitate a smoother transition.

During this process, encountering challenges or needing further clarification on how to manage template switches effectively is common. For Squarespace troubleshooting and issues, the platform offers comprehensive resources and support.

Whether you're dealing with missing content, navigation mishaps, or custom code disruptions, Squarespace's help center, community forums, and customer support are valuable resources for finding solutions and guidance.

Embarking on a template change on Squarespace presents an opportunity to enhance and redefine your website. Whether you ultimately decide to stick with a new template or revert to an old favorite, understanding the implications of these changes is crucial.

By planning thoughtfully and utilizing available Squarespace resources and support for troubleshooting and issues, you can ensure that your website remains a dynamic and effective representation of your brand.

Conclusion: If I Change My Squarespace Template, Can I Go Back?

If you make a change to your Squarespace template to experiment and try to build a better website, there is always the option to revert back. This prevents you from losing out on previous hard work and revert to a design that might have been performing better.

This is not the case if you uninstall the template from your Squarespace template from your website. This would require you to re-install the template on your website and you might have to enter in some of the customizations that you had previously.

If you bought customizations from a developer, then you might need to contact the developer to see if they can reinstate the customizations to your website’s template. This might come at a small cost.

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